I just came home from visiting my family in California! I love them so much! And you know what I couldn't wait to tell them about! My future plans. I was thrilled to be with people who haven't heard me rant about my plans! And you know what! You my dear blog reader probably are wondering what are these said plans?
Well I'll tell you!
Come January I will be in the glorious land of Rexburg, Idaho. There I will freeze, get more stressed than I have ever been before, and go to sleep exhausted every night. I can't flipping wait! Along with that I will have new roommates in a new apartment I have wanted to live in for a while plus a new ward! I will have new classes I have wanted to take for my whole life (basically haha). The BYU-Idaho Center is opening! Equipped with sky bridges to avoid the rigid cold walks to class! Devotionals and spiritual upliftment wait around every corner! Friendly faces are everywhere I go; because as far as I know, everyone at BYU-Idaho is just a friend I haven't met yet! (or have!) And who knows! Maybe I'll meet some nice boy studying art who would like to take me on a date or two! I have already planned multiple parties including: Napoleon Welcomes You Back to Idaho party and FOOTSIES PJ partay! The possibilities and adventures are endless. I. Can. Not. Wait.
In April the semester will end! I will be overwhelmed and threaten to end my life rather than endure the pain of finals. But secretly still be so grateful for my life and experiences of BYU-Idaho. Following this pain one of the most joyous events of all will occur! One of my best friends Stephanie is getting married and I will be one of her bridesmaids! So back to California I'll go! This is where it gets really exciting, I could spend the week in San Fransisco (where I have never been, but always wanted to), beach camping with friends, Hemet with family, or back in Las Vegas for some much needed R and R. Hello!!! Amazing. I would love all those possibilities.
THEN (picture of me in Spring in my favorite secret spot of BYUI!)
I'll be back in Rexburg! For more timeless adventures! This is where my plans get a bit fuzzy. I'm not exactly positive where I'll be living or with who. I don't know what classes I'll be taking. And I don't know what ward I'll be in. But I can tell you this, I'll love it. Every stinking minute :)
EFY! If all goes according to plan. I will be an EFY counselor at BYU, BYU-Idaho, or both. The application comes out December 1. Then the fate of my summer will be decided. If I don't get in as a counselor, I will most likely spend my summer working at the library in Idaho. Which would honestly be wonderful. One of my dreams is to spend some time (not forever though!) in Rexburg to explore and enjoy places and things that would otherwise be unenjoyable due to the ever-present dark shadow that is homework. IF I do get in as a counselor, but for only a few weeks, I would love to travel! TO either Seatle, Portland, Salt Lake City (I know, not that exciting, but I love it there!), Las Vegas (eh, its home!), or San Francisco! Its going to be a great summer.
This is where it gets really exciting. I am currently working on my application to BYU. If I get in I will find myself at my parents alma mater. Just for one semester mind you! To try it out for fun. I'll take some silly history of rock music class and an obscure religion class and call it good. Hopefully I will be able to find a job at DSW or something. And even more hopefully, I will have a car by then! Because I wont be able to get an on campus job unless I am a full time student, which I wont be and don't really want to be.
Now the other option is to travel Europe in the fall! I have already missed the deadline for the tours I would like (European Religious Tour and European Humanities Tour), but I like to imagine traveling Europe in the fall nonetheless. I would like to study abroad...But...
I want to go on a mission! And that is basically the same price as Study Abroad to Europe. Yikes. There is no way I could afford both. SO my solution is to do a tour in which I'll spend a couple weeks and a lot less money in Europe. Good solution, Eh?
So there you have it. That is the year 2011 for me. All written out. Consider yourself lucky I spared you the details and explanations of specific events I am looking forward to like General Conference, the Festival of Colors, friends going on missions, and friends getting married for instance!
In conclusion, if some guy comes along and wrecks all my plans..well...that'll be ok with me I guess :) My days are numberd. I have two years to find a husband or I am going on a mission! SO consider this my message to my future husband, you've got to show up buddy or I am out of here for a year and a half! Let it be known though, I am seriously not looking for a husband. I'm just living and loving life.
K, that is the end of my rant...I think...
Footsie Party Preview :)
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