Tonight was a night completely unlike any night I have yet to experience in my nineteen years. It all began with a plan to attend yoga with Ratie, a true kindred spirit. As I walked to meet her before class, to my surprise, she informed me class does not begin until next week. So we concluded to have an adventurous girl night. I began venting about the latest development of one of my various crushes. As we walked a young fellow by the name of Revin rides quickly past, making odd noises on a bike with one very large wheel and one very small wheel. "Do mine eye's deceive me?" asks Ratie. Yet this was no mistake. We both agreed he seemed like a very cool guy. On the other side of the building we see him again riding around in circles. She explains our new desire to be his friend. Within a matter of minutes he initiates the handshake of friendship. Moments later someone from the top of the building calls out,
"Is that Ashley!?"
Well none of us were Ashley, but those guys came out nonetheless. These new two gentlemen I had met on a previous occasion. One was extremely tall and the other average height with jeans shorts, striped v-neck, and a sideways baseball hat. I soon wanted to change out of my gym clothes before embarking on a what was for sure a totally unique Thursday Night Adventure that would put many weekends at home to shame.
What carried out for the night was so unreal I questioned its reality and still have my doubts even now...
To be continued...
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